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Hear you soon!

Charlotte, Marlies, Leen & Lieze!

donderdag 12 mei 2011

The last week of our trip!

Dear friends
This is the last week of our trip, so we’re almost meeting again! As Leen and Lieze already wrote, this trip is amazing, but we will also be glad to arrive back home!
Monday 16 May
We still have our rented car, so today we drove off to Lillehammer. That’s the capital of the county Oppland, on the banks of the Mjøsa lake, in the East of Norway. Lillehammer has about 25.000 inhabitants.
It was about 5h driving, so we left early in the morning, around 7 o’clock. We arrived around 12 o’clock, so it was eating time!
After our lunch, we went to the tourism office, to get some information about the city and some maps to find our way. I have been here before, but it’s already 4 years ago, so I don’t remember everything. I visited Lillehammer in February, so everything was covered with a white carpet of snow. That’s a completely different view, I didn’t recognize it at all!

After that, we went to our hostel to install us for the last week. We also took a break, because we were tired of the long car trip. In the afternoon, we went to a shop, to buy some drinks and food, to make our own diner at the hostel. We have met three boys of the UK, who are discovering Norway for one month, so they had already seen a lot. They told us where to go and what to visit. After this long talk, we all went to bed.
Ciaaooo ! X

Tuesday 17 May
In 1994, the Olympic Winter Games found place in Lillehammer, so the boys said that we absolutely should see the ‘Norwegian Olympic Museum’. It’s the only museum in Northern-Europe that shows the complete history of the Olympic Games. It all begins from 776 before Christ in the old Greece, until today. It’s the greatest and the most important sports museum in Norway. In total, there are more than 7000 Olympic items to admire!
So this morning, we went to the museum! And indeed, it’s so amazing! I’m glad we visited the museum, for only €5 !

This is the Ski Jump

This is a bobsleigh track

This afternoon we go to Lysgårdsbakkene, the Olympic Ski Jump. I have been there before and really, that view all over Lillehammer, is breath-taking! It’s so high! You can go upstairs with the stairs of 954 steps, or you can choose the chairlift. Of course, we took the stairs J
It’s the most popular place to take pictures and there, they also sell some souvenirs.
Well, this day was passing very fast, so it’s time to go back to the hostel and relax!
See ya tomorrow ! X

Wednesday 18 May
This is the last blog I will post! Then you’ll see me back, guys!
Today was a beautiful day! It was 20 degrees, so we went to the Mjøsa lake. There were plenty of people, just relaxing and sunbathing. We took our picnic with us, because we planned to stay over there for the whole day. We read some books, listened to the music, laughed a lot and enjoyed the sun! I had to be careful with the sun, otherwise I had to go back home like a tomato. J
Tonight, there is a huge BBQ planned at the hostel, together with all the people that are traveling around. So, we have to be on time! The other girls are preparing themselves, so I think I should better do that too.
I can’t wait to see you sweeties!
Still three days!

Lots of love, Charlotte x

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhenp4Szf3U : here you can see a glimpse of the Games!

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