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Charlotte, Marlies, Leen & Lieze!

dinsdag 3 mei 2011

Amazing Norway!

Friday 13 May 2011

Hi everybody!

We are still continuing our trip but the end is really nearby! We are in Norway, the final country of our trip and next week is already the final one. The feeling is a bit mixed… I am really enjoying this trip and I’m having the time of our life but I’m really, really, really missing home right now! Fortunately, we’re so busy visiting things and discovering different cultures so I don’t think about home all the time.

Today we arrived at Geirangerfjord, a breath-taking fjord on the west coast of Norway. Everywhere you look you see majestic snow covered mountain peaks, there are beautiful waterfalls and the deep blue waters of the fjord are magnificent! In the morning, we made a walk of six hours, all the way to the top of the Dalsnibba, which is 1500 metres high! The track wasn’t easy but all trails are marked and we had a very good map (so no, mum and dad, we didn’t get lost somewhere in the mountains). We passed several waterfalls and believe me, when you’re standing next to them, you feel soooooo small! (And the noice of the splashing water is deafening!)

Aferwards, we went to the Norwegian Fjord Centre, which is only one kilometer from the centre of the village. It’s a gallery about the history of mountains, the fjords and the local people. We also saw a short video about the evolution from mountains to fjords and I immediately felt like I was in secondary school again, in the geography lessons!

For dinner, we went to the Westerås restaurant. It’s a very little restaurant but it has the most spectacular view of the fjord!

Talk to you soon!


Saturday 14 May 2011

Today we travelled further to Alesund, a fishing village which has the most important fishing harbour of Norway. 

We visited the Atlanterhavsparken (or just “The Atlantic Sea park”), a very large saltwater aquarium. The park has a surface of 10,000m² so it’s absolutely impossible to see everything. We decided to go first to the saltwater tank, where the fish are fed by divers. Afterwards, we went to a smaller aquarium where we could touch the fish!

In the afternoon, we made a short boat trip and this was the perfect way to discover the whole village. The guide on the boat told us that the village was destroyed by a huge fire in 1900, but it has been rebuilt in a beautiful way.

We spent the rest of the day at the pier, enjoying the beautiful weather and the magnificent vieuw.


Sunday 15 May 2011


Our first week in Norway has already passed but we have already seen the most beautiful curiosities. Just like today. We went to the archbishop’s palace in Trondheim, which is now a major museum complex. You can still see the archbishop’s workshop, exactly as archaeologists found it. There’s even a chapel at the palace which was open for visitors. We took advantage of this opportunity and we went inside. It was really stunning!

We finished this day by visiting the Nidarosdom. This cathedral is the most sanctuary of Norway so it’s logical that this is a very touristic building. When we arrived, the place was crowded! We didn’t manage to enter into the cathedral, but it’s such a huge building so we could admire the architecture from a distance.

So today was a bit more relaxing but we still had a great time, as alwaysJ

See you soon,


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